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>>> Corporate Solutions

Friday, April 8, 2011

InnoCentive >>>

What We Do?

InnoCentive is where organizations—corporations, large and small, not-for-profits and governments—turn when they have important problems that need solving.
Our expertise is in Open Innovation (OI). We can help expand your innovation capabilities by building a more collaborative approach to problem solving, and providing the means to tap into the best minds within your company as well as creative problem solvers throughout the world.

Seekers - 
If your organization is seeking answers, we call you a Seeker.

Solvers - 
If you're interested in solving critical and pressing problems, we call you a Solver.

We connect Seekers with Solvers and put you on the shortest, most cost-effective path to finding a solution.

What we Believe?

We believe that innovation and problem solving need to evolve in order to meet the challenges of the 21st century.  

By unleashing human creativity, passion and diversity, we can solve problems that matter to business and society.
Once you untether the search for solutions from an individual, department or company, amazing things happen. Problems are solved better, faster and at a lower cost than ever before.
The global economy is forcing organizations to attack problems with all the brainpower they can muster both inside and outside the enterprise. Unlocking the potential of millions of people to work productively on pressing problems is the power of Open Innovation.
And we believe that’s the future!